Affirming and supporting individuals and relationships of all kinds.

To share your story and start receiving support, call for a free 15 minute consultation.


Individual Therapy

Individual therapy is a great way to receive personal support as you explore what you want for your life. Individual therapy can help people experiencing difficult feelings or going through challenging times, but it can also provide individuals with the motivation and structure to bring a new business idea into reality, complete an important project, or reach a personal goal.

Couples Therapy

Couples and couple therapy comes in many forms— dating couples, people who are partners or married, coparents, and divorced couples, among others. Whether you are needing support to get through a tough time in your relationship, divorcing, looking for premarital counseling, or wanting to take your relationship from good to great, couples therapy can support your journey.

Relational Therapy

Y’all means all. No matter the makeup of your social or familial circle or the circumstances you are going through, relational therapy can provide support to improve your relationship and support your goals. Challenges between close friends, business partners, and family members are extremely common. If you are interested in bettering your relationship, I’m happy to help with that process.